Monday 5 November 2012

Saturday 28 April 2012

We have a Woodland Blog where we report what we have been observing and doing in Brae's Wood.

The Development Trust has provided the school with a wormery.  We can't wait to try it once the Community Garden shed is finished so we can keep the worms nice and warm and sheltered!

The Community Garden is well under way.  We are looking forward to planting veg when the weather gets warmer.

We ordered a pack of 60 trees from the Woodland Trust to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.  We will plant these in the Community Garden to create shelter for our plants.  We will plant the Royal Oak sapling in the new playpark.

Duncan and Andrew realised there were no frogs in the school pond this year so Duncan very kindly donated frog spawn from his pond at home.

We officially opened the Rousay Community Wind Turbine.  We buried a time capsule containing our aspirations for ourselves and the community in 20 years time.

We provide a place for birds to nest.

We take turns at doing playground duty, collecting fruit waste to put in our compost bin.

We remind everyone to turn off electrical equipment when it is not being used.

We have thermometers in all the rooms so we can make sure we are not wasting energy.

We have solar panels to help provide the school with energy.